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id-ID 53360
Mode User
Registration 18.03.11 03:14 am
Language English English
Country ID - Indonesia ID - Indonesia
Old Names
  • till 20.08.11 Rian2
  • till 21.01.12 Idlers
  • till 01.07.12 Rian2_idih
  • till 03.01.13 Rian2_idih is idle
  • till 05.06.13 Ilmuminati
  • till 03.11.13 0x45525A41


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Files by MikuAuahDark (32)

File Com. R Like Dls
old English Misc. LuaJIT for Dedicated Server17Approved 827
old English Lua Scripts Custom Number hud16Approved 434
old English Lua Scripts MikuAuahDark: Reconnect-Restore v1.115Approved 410
old English Lua Scripts MikuAuahDark: Shootable Grenades v1.022Approved 462
old English Lua Scripts MikuAuahDark: Satchel Charge Limiter v1.019Approved 438
old English Lua Scripts MikuAuahDark: Map Protection v1.026Approved 504
old English Lua Scripts MikuAuahDark: Log Capture v1.04Approved 431
old English Lua Scripts MikuAuahDark: Paint V1.04Approved 428
old English Lua Scripts MikuAuahDark: Custom Trigger If(part 2 of 2)4Approved 382
old English Lua Scripts MikuAuahDark: Move Direction V1.0(part 1 of 2)4Approved 379
old English Lua Scripts Achievements v1.08Approved 432
old English Lua Scripts Menu Object v1.03Approved 428
old English Lua Scripts Animated Image v2.08Approved 496
old English Lua Scripts Improved Badwords v2.014Approved 537
old English Lua Scripts Weapon Hudtxt v1.012Approved 537
old English Lua Scripts Env_Laser v1.07Approved 530
old English Lua Scripts table.uneval8Approved 452
old English Lua Scripts Minimap Image Generator v1.215Approved 402
old English Lua Scripts Memory Cleaner/Garbage Collector v1.017Approved 460
old English Lua Scripts [UNUSED] Get Player Rank v1.418Approved 667
old English Lua Scripts NWH(New Ways to Hook)1Approved 364
old English Lua Scripts Ini-File Operation v1.08Approved 420
old English Lua Scripts Timer Extra function(timerEx) v4.015Approved 668
old English Lua Scripts Command Processor5Approved 478
old English Lua Scripts Hud text XY position3Approved 400
old English Lua Scripts Anti-Speedhack v329Approved 718
old English Lua Scripts Hitbox8Approved 453
old English Lua Scripts New Env_Item6Approved 395
old English Lua Scripts Text Console v25Approved 422
old English Misc. Counter-Strike 2D Indonesian Translation28Approved 547
old English Lua Scripts Point system v0.4.222Approved 642
old English Lua Scripts Custom build script by Rian2_idih26Approved 644

Total 397 15,787
Ø per file 12.41 493.34


Days registeredyes 4,935 (13 years)
Latest Visit yes 2 Weeks ago (08.09.24 06:14 am)
Latest Post yes 2 Months ago (26.07.24 02:38 am)
Latest online Game yes 3 Years ago (07.06.21 12:58 pm)

Forum Posts post 1,136 (Ø 0.23 per day)
- Replies post 1,082 (95.25%)
- Threadspost 54 (4.75%)

File Comments comment 181 (Ø 0.04 per day)
- liked files like 84 (Ø 0.02 per day, 46.41%)

Uploads file 32 (Ø 0.01 per day)
- Like like 200
- Ø average per file like 6.25

Messages message 349 (Ø 0.07 per day)
- In-Box: message 202 (Ø 0.04 per day)
- Sent: message 147 (Ø 0.03 per day)