
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > MikuAuahDark: Move Direction V1.0(part 1 of 2)
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English MikuAuahDark: Move Direction V1.0(part 1 of 2) >

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old MikuAuahDark: Move Direction V1.0(part 1 of 2)

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Move Direction by MikuAuahDark
This is part 1 of 2 script that i upload. Part 2: file cs2d MikuAuahDark: Custom Trigger If(part 2 of 2)

∗ Table of Contents ∗
1. Table of Contents
2. Description
3. Features
4. How to Install
5. Reserved Global Variables
6. Information
7. Macros
8. Functions
9. Example
10. Notes
11. Rules
12. Versions
13. Another MikuAuahDark scripts

∗ Description ∗
With this LUA, you can detect where the player move

∗ Features ∗
> basic detecting(left,right,up,down)
> diagonal detecting

∗ How to Install ∗
Install it as usual(but with *.txt instead of *.lua)

∗ Reserved Global Variables ∗
> SetPlayerPos*
> GetPlayerDirection
> ResetDirection
> MoveDirection
(*) - If you have a script that uses cs2d cmd setpos, it's more safe to use this function instead

∗ Information ∗
Hooks: 2(cs2d lua hook spawn,cs2d lua hook always)
Size: 1023 Bytes
Lines: 56

∗ Macros ∗

∗ Functions ∗
> SetPlayerPos(id{number},x{number},y{number})
> • Info: same as cs2d cmd setpos
> ∗ Returns: none
° ° ° °
> GetPlayerDirection(id{number})
> • Info: get player current moving direction
> • Parameters:
> • id - player id
> ∗ Returns: unique number direction{number}

∗ Example ∗
1. Check if player going to left
if GetPlayerDirection(id)==Move_Left then

2. Check if player going to right down(diagonally)
if GetPlayerDirection(id)==Move_Right+Move_Down then

∗ Notes ∗
1. It uses cs2d lua hook always (be careful if you use it on for a server)
2. Suggestions? Bug reports? anything else? on comments
3. Well, pictures is useless

∗ Rules ∗
√ You can use it (for your server)
√ You can edit it (with your own risk)
√ Say user MikuAuahDark made it and NOT made by you
√ Re-upload to another website. The file must not modified(original) and put me on credits
× Say this is yours a.k.a Steal
× Re-upload on unrealsoftware (even the edited version)

∗ Versions ∗
> V1.0
> >
Initial Release

∗ Another MikuAuahDark Scripts ∗
file cs2d MikuAuahDark: Custom Trigger If(part 2 of 2) (Part 2 upload)
file cs2d Env_Laser v1.0
file cs2d Animated Image v2.0
edited 1×, last 03.01.14 05:59:55 am
Approved by Seekay

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742 b, 379 Downloads


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You have many useful scripts.
I like it!


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What this mode Miku Hatsune
I like it!


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very nice file
I like it!
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